Privacy Policy

Transaction Media Networks Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) recognizes that it is extremely important to protect and properly handle personal information provided to us, including personal information provided by our customers, and to ensure compliance. For this reason, the Company declares internally and externally that it will implement the following measures and strive to appropriately protect personal information.

(1) The Company will acquire personal information by lawful and fair means and take measures to prevent the handling of information beyond the defined purpose of use. The purpose of use defined by the Company is stated in the “Handling of Personal Information,” which is separately stipulated. In addition, the Company will not provide personal information to any third party without the consent of the individual, unless permitted by law.

(2) The Company will comply with Japan’s Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other laws, guidelines stipulated by the government, and other relevant standards (such as industry guidelines) related to protection of personal information.

(3) The Company will establish internal regulations and an accountability structure to prevent leakage, loss or damage of personal information, and take appropriate safety measures. In addition, the Company will periodically inspect its safety measures, and make corrections if any deficiencies are found.

(4) To implement this policy, the Company has established a Personal Information Protection Management System* (including regulations and rules related to protection of personal information) and implements and maintains such system by ensuring that employees and other relevant parties are aware of and comply with the system, and continuously improve the system.

(5) The Company will educate its employees on the importance of protecting personal information, appoint a manager in charge of protecting personal information in each organization that handles such information, and make efforts to appropriately manage personal information.

(6) The Company will appropriately and promptly respond to complaints and inquiries related to the handling of personal information, if any, at the following contact point.

Contact Contact point of the Company (Weekdays from 10:00AM through 5:00PM [excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays])
Address Taiyo Life Insurance Nihonbashi Building, 2-11-2 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0027
Telephone number 03-3517-3800

* “Personal Information Protection Management System”
A system to protect personal information, including formulation of policies, establishment of structures, planning, implementation, inspection and review.

Formulated: September 11, 2017
Revised: May 16, 2024
Transaction Media Networks Inc.
Atsushi Otaka, CEO

Handling of Personal Information

Name of the Business Operator

Transaction Media Networks Inc.

Name or Title, and Department and Contact Information of the Manager

Chief Privacy Officer: General Manager of the Administration Division
(For contact information, please see “Contact point for inquiries” in item 9)

Purpose of Use of Personal Information

The Company handles personal information within the scope of purposes of use listed in each of the following items:

(1) Purpose of use of personal information that was not acquired directly from the individual in writing
ai. To perform entrusted work in cases such as where the Company is entrusted with work.

(2) Purpose of use of retained personal data
① Handling of personal information of our counterparties
a) To provide information regarding transactions, etc.
b) For identity verification and handling of inquiry at the time of inquiry
c) To improve service usage

② Handling of personal information of job applicants and employees
a) To contact those who wish to receive information regarding our recruitment, and for recruiting and screening
b) For human resources management, labor management, and employee benefits

③ Handling of personal information of shareholders
a) To manage shareholders and carry out operations related to shares
b) For human resources management, labor management, and employee benefits
c) To respond to the promotion of public relations and IR activities
d) In order to appropriately and smoothly carry out other paperwork related to the above.

④ For other purposes for which the individual has provided prior consent

Provision of Personal Information to a Third Party

The Company will not provide personal information to any third party without obtaining the consent of the individual, except as required by law.

Joint Use of Personal Information

The Company will not jointly use personal information without obtaining the consent of the individual.

Entrustment of Personal Information

As part of its business operation, the Company may entrust part of its operation to provide better services to its customers. In doing so, the Company may entrust personal information to the trustee. In such case, the Company will select a trustee with an adequate level of protection of personal information, execute an entrustment agreement stipulating the protection of personal information, and ensure the management of and supervision over the trustee.

Request for Disclosure or Correction of Personal Information

If the individual requests notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion, discontinuation of use, erasure, or discontinuation of provision to third parties in connection to personal information (hereinafter collectively referred to as “disclosure, etc.”), the Company will respond to such request with sincerity. To request disclosure, etc. of personal information, please contact us at the “Contact point for inquiries” listed in item 9. The Company will send you documents for disclosure, etc. of personal information. Please note that the procedures for disclosing personal information require a document that verifies the identity of the individual or their proxy. In addition, the Company has set the following fee for the “notification of purpose of use of retained personal data”, “disclosure of retained personal data”, and “disclosure of third parties provision data”.

Medium In writing
Fee 1,500 yen for each case of personal data (tax included)

Complaints and Inquiries Regarding Personal Information

For complaints and inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, please contact us at the “Contact point for inquiries” listed in item 9.

Contact Point for Inquiries

For requests for disclosure, etc. of personal information, complaints, and inquiries, please contact us at the following.

Contact Contact point of the Company (Weekdays from 10:00AM through 5:00PM [excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays])
Address Taiyo Life Insurance Nihonbashi Building, 2-11-2 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0027
Telephone number 03-3517-3800

Voluntary Provision of Personal Information

Provision of personal information to the Company is voluntary. Not providing necessary information items may, however, prevent the Company from executing agreements or providing services.

About Cookies

The Company’s website may use cookies to provide better services. Cookies are small pieces of text data sent to your web browser by a web server, and do not include any information that can be used to identify individual users. While you can disable cookies from your browser settings, doing so may prevent you from using all or part of services on this website.

Security Control Measures for Personal Information

The Company will take the following measures to handle personal information (including personal information the Company has acquired, and or attempting to acquire) safely:
(1)The Company will comply with laws and regulations, industry guidelines, internal regulations, etc., and firmly maintain a management system.
(2)The Company will conduct education and training for all employees and conduct awareness-raising activities to disseminate the importance of handling personal information.
(3)The Company will manage the area where personal information is handled and take measures to prevent leakage due to theft or loss of equipment and electronic media. In addition, the Company will take measures that cannot be restored for the disposal of equipment and data and confirm that they have been securely erased and disposed of.
(4)The Company will implement access management (control, authentication, etc.) of information systems that handle personal information, prevent unauthorized access, prevent information leakage, etc., and operate them appropriately.

Accredited Personal Information Protection Organization

The company is a target entity of JIPDEC, which is an accredited personal information protection organization. You may contact JIPDEC with any complaints or for inquiries concerning the handling of personal information by the Company.
(1) Name of the accredited personal information protection organization:
(2) Submit requests for resolution of complaints to:
Personal Information Protection Consultation Service Office

< Address >
Roppongi First Building,9-9, Roppongi 1-chome,Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0032


* For any inquiries on our products and services, please click here.